What is a square squared?

A long, long time ago (2002) in an apartment far, far away, we were deciding on the name of our newly formed company. We wanted a creative name that would allude to the bold, creative thinking we put into all our projects. The cliché at the time was "think outside the box" it was (and still is) an overused term and thus ironic in usage.

So what is OUTSIDE the box? My father, Chairman of The FENG has a famous editorial about "In the Box Thinking", that is, how you fill it in and the care you take to maximize the information in the box is what will win the day for you.

At Square Squared, we like to take a step back and look at the box itself. What is this box? Why do we need it? We came to realize that "the box" is forever changing over time. Enter the fourth dimension, time. So how do we get a four-dimensional box?

Disclaimer: We are not professional mathematicians

If you square a line (X), you get a square ( X * X = X²)

BUT when you square a square (X² * X² = X4 ) you get a FOUR-dimensional shape called a Tesseract. As eloquently stated on Wikipedia, "In geometry, the tesseract is the four-dimensional analog of the cube; the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square."

A diagram showing how to create a tesseract from a point
By NerdBoy1392 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Square Squared means that we are not just thinking outside the box, but rather BEYOND the box. We understand that the box is forever changing, shifting, and moving. We know that there may be more to “the box” than meets the eye.

For a fresh look at your customer engagement and new thinking about how to approach your communication, contact us.

(855) 778-2732
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